Geeta Sanjay Memorial Public School

Get education from the best

Sl. NoGeneral Rules and Regulations
Admission to various classes of school starts in the first week of October and continues till 30th April. The admission is confirmed after the clearance of admission test. The registration for admission to various classes remains open from 1st October  to 30th April. The admission continues depending upon the availability of seats.
A student coming from other school must produce Aadhar Card & T.C. or S.L.C. of the previous school attended by him/her. The parent of a student seeking admission to a school for the first time is required to submit an attested photocopy of the Birth Certificate. The attestation of the Birth Certificate has to be made by a first class gazetted officer.
Four photographs of the child and one photograph of the child with his/her father and mother / guardian have to be submitted to school office at the time of submitting of admission form.
A list of books is supplied immediately after admission. The student should make it a point to buy books within a week, and start working in the right earnest otherwise he/she may be asked to withdraw his/her name from school.
All school dues i.e. tuition fee etc. must be paid on or before the 30th of every month and a proper receipt should be obtained for it. In the case of non-payment of a fee by the above date, a fine of ₹ 1 per day shall be charged and the student will not be allowed to attend the classes.
Fees and fines once paid , will in no case be refunded. Fees and Charges are subject to enhancement from time to time.
Tuition fee is also charged for the vacation period. No reduction is made for broken periods.
Students are required to pay two months tuition fee in May for May and June and in December for December and January and in February for February and March.
The students who break the discipline of the school or misbehave, can be expelled from school as per Principal decision.
Loitering about, making a noise on the school premises is strictly prohibited.
Leave application of the students should be got duly signed by his/her parent or guardian failing which he/she will be treated as absent without leave.
If a student absents himself for more than six days continuously, his name will be struck off school rolls.
It has been observed that children who remain absent or are unpunctual, develop non-serious attitude and continue with these bad habits later in life. In school, they cannot progress satisfactorily because of absence or unpunctuality. Therefore, school discourages these bad practices. Students coming late or remaining absent from school, strict action will be taken against those students.
A Student intending to leave school, must inform the Principal at least one month in advance in writing otherwise he/she shall have to pay the tuition fee for the current month.
Application for School Leaving Certificate should be made on the prescribed form. A prescribed fee is charged for the issue of certificate.
School Leaving Certificate is only issued to a student after he/she passes some examination held in school or if he/she was admitted to school after producing a certificate of a recognised school previously attended by him/her.
School Rules are subject to amendments from time to time and they are binding on all who are students of school.
Sl. NoRules
1Attendance is marked twice-in the morning and after the recess by the class teacher. A student has to put in a minimum 75% of attendance during the academic session, Otherwise student will not be allowed to appear in the annual exam. This includes attendance put in the previous school if the student has come on transfer. 
2If a student absents himself for more than six days continuously, his/her name is struck off the rolls. Leave application must be signed by the guardian or parent and a note for the same is also made in Almanac.
3The student should submit the leave application forwarded by the class-teacher and the same is forwarded to the Principal/Vice Principal for the grant of leave.
4A student being late or absent from school without any prior information, then strict action will be taken.
5Application for long leave or leave during examination days on medical grounds should invariably be supported by a medical certificate.
6Repeated absence without valid reason renders the students liable to be removed from school.

Sl. No

1Every student of the school is allowed to draw two books every fortnight. In case a book is misused or wrongly handled or lost, the student responsible shall have to either replace the whole set or pay double the value of the set.
2The librarian may call for a book at any time even if the normal period of loan has not expired. If a book is not returned to the librarian on its due date, an overdue charge of  Rs. 5/- per day will be charged.
3Books may be got renewed with the permission of the librarian.
4Any loss of book should be immediately brought to the notice of the Librarian